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Calcined Alumina

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Calcined alumina SALOX® are aluminium oxides, which are manufactured with the calcination of alumina or aluminium hydroxide. Precise management of the calcination process and further mechanical treatment ensure that Silkem offers high-quality products with the required properties.
The preparation of the input raw materials enables a diversification of products according to chemical properties. Various calcination stages are used to produce SALOX® products, which differ in terms of α-Al2O3 content, the size of primary crystals and the morphology of the material, which consequently leads to differences in the specific surface area of products. Grinding and separation techniques are used to ensure a broad range of final products with different distributions of particle sizes.
  • Its specific properties make alumina one of the most commonly used oxides in the refractory industry. It is a component part of various types of concrete, bricks, monolithic products, insulation materials and other products.

  • In the ceramics industry, calcined alumina is used as a product’s component and for the glaze. Due to their excellent insulation properties, special types of alumina with low alkali content are used in the manufacturing of electro ceramics.

Calcined Aluminas SALOX®

Type of ProductMS 100VLS6M-MS1M-LS1M-VLS1
Al2O3* %  min. 99.3 min. 99.7 min. 99.3 min. 99.5 min 99.7
Na2Ototal % max. 0.20 max. 0.05 max. 0.20 max. 0.10 max. 0.05
Fe2O3 % max. 0.05 max. 0.05 max. 0.05 max. 0.05 max. 0.05
SiO2 % max. 0.05 max. 0.05 max. 0.05 max. 0.05 max. 0.05
CaO % max. 0.05 max. 0.05 max. 0.05 max. 0.05 max. 0.05
Specific surface area (BET) m2/g 75 6 0.4 0.5 0.6
Primary crystal size µm - - 2.5 - 4.0 2.5 - 4.0 1.5 - 2.5
Average particle size d50 µm 80 80 70 70 70
Bulk density kg/m3 1000 1100 850 900 900


Ground Aluminas SALOX®

Al2O3 % min. 99.3 min. 99.7 min. 99.3  min. 99.7 min. 99.7
Na2Ototal % max. 0.20 max. 0.05 max. 0.20  max. 0.05 max. 0.05
Fe2O3 % max. 0.05 max. 0.05 max. 0.05  max. 0.05 max. 0.05
SiO2 % max. 0.05 max. 0.05 max. 0.05  max. 0.05 max. 0.05
Alpha-Al2O3 % 98 98 98  98 98
Loss on ignition (L.O.I.) % 0.30 0.30  0.30  0.30 0.30
Specific surface area (BET) m2/g max. 1.5 max. 1.5 max. 1.5  max. 1.5 max. 1.5
Primary crystal size µm 2.5 - 4.0 2.0 - 3.0 2.5 - 4.0  2.0 - 3.0 2.0 - 3.0
Average particle size  d50 µm 5 5 max. 4 max. 4 max. 3
 + 45 µm sieve % max. 3 max. 3 max. 3 max. 3 max. 2
Bulk density kg/m3 800 800  800  800 800


Reactive Aluminas SALOX®


Type of ProductM-VLS1RM-S1RM-S1RS1
Al2O3* % min. 99.6 min. 99.5 min. 99.5
Na2Ototal % max. 0.05 max. 0.30 max. 0.30
Fe2O3 % max. 0.06 max. 0.06 max. 0.06
SiO2 % max. 0.08 max. 0.08 max. 0.08
CaO % max. 0.06 max. 0.06 max. 0.06
Specific surface area (BET) m2/g 1.6 1.6 2.0
Primary crystal size µm - - 1.5 - 2.0
Average particle size  d50 µm 2 2 1.8
Average particle size  d90 µm  max. 9  max. 6  max. 6
Bulk density kg/m3 850 850 850
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